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  • How do I audition for Streetz Company?
    To audition for Company, you must be at least 13 years old (as of the National Finals date), attend our National Finals, and enter the Dancer of the Year Competition. During the week of Nationals you will be asked to perform a solo in the Dancer of the Year Competition and you will be watched very closely during classes.
  • What are the requirements to be on Company?
    Company requirements change year to year. If you would like more information about current Company requirements, please email us at
  • If I am currently on Company, do I have to reaudition to be on Company next year?
    Yes, this position is earned every year. Company members are required to reaudition every year.
  • If I am currently on company, can I change studios?
    If a company member changes studios during the Streetz Season (between the first and last event date), they must have approval from both their previous and new studio. If either studio does not approve the change, the dancer will be ineligible to audition for Company or Dancer of the Year until the following season.
  • If I am on Company, can I compete at a Streetz Regional Event?
    In the event that a Streetz Company Member would like to compete, they must follow the 50% company rule policy. The rule states, if 50% or more of the dancers in the dance are company members, the dance may not be classified as competitive. It must go into the showcase division. If less than 50% of the dancers in a number are Streetz Company Members, the dance may enter the Competitive division. For example: a company member may not compete a solo or duo, however, a trio would qualify as competitive if they are the only company member in the dance.
  • Can I enter The Battle as a Company member?
    No, however, you may enter The Final Battle at Streetz Nationals!
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